php training in sitapur


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Course Fee : Rs. 12,000 | Course Duration : 75 Hours

What you Learn in DDM Course And Thier Detail Overview

Advanced PHP
Advanced Array Functions in PHP
Examining Regular Expressions
Working with the File System in PHP
Working with Cookies and Sessions of PHP
Learning PHP Type
Learning PHP Advanced Functio
Performing Math with PHP
Securing PHP
Handling Exceptions with PHP
Debugging PHP Programs
Learning PHP Style
Using Log Files to Improve Your SiteSecuring PHP
Connecting PHP with MySQL
Sending E-Mail with PHP
Integrating PHP and JavaScript
Integrating PHP and Ajax
MySQL Database
Introducing Database and MySQL
Learning Structured Query Language (SQL)
Learning Database Administration and Design in MySQL
Integrating PHP and MySQL
Performing Database Queries
Integrating Web Forms and Databases
Improving Database Efficiency
MySQL Troubleshooting
Operators in MySQL MySQL Arithmetic Operators
Numeric Comparison Operators of MySQL
String Comparison Operators of MySQL
Logical Operators in MySQL
MySQL Regular Expressions
MySQL Operators Syntax Recap
Querying Your Data
Sorting, Grouping, and Arranging Retrieved Data
Limiting Numbers of Results
Joining Tables (Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, Join etc.)
More on Joining Tables
Data Aggregation- sum(), avg(), max(), min(), count(), first(), last(), ucase(), lcase(), mid(), len(), round(), format() etc.
MySQL Best Practices
Using SQL batch files- Integrating database from a text editor to the MySQL Monitor
Backing up Database from MySQL- MySQL dump Constraint
Data Modelling – Planning, Analysis for Creating a Successful Database
Normalization – The best way to Code for a professional Database Structure
Optimizations – Increasing Speed, reducing Database size, Enhancing Security and Database

Php Service

The module will take you through php training in sitapur all you need to know php training in sitapur to starting from basic to cutting edge topics of PHP and using it in creating an incredible web site. php training in sitapur Core PHP is the base of PHP frameworks and any website development. php training in sitapur Every software developer should have the basic knowledge php training in sitapur of Core PHP so that they php training in sitapur can be successful developers in any of php training in sitapur its frameworks.

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Why Do courses with JCSI

Learn From Experts

We have php training in sitapur expert tutors. They have years of php training in sitapur expirence in thier field .

Practical Training

We mainly focus on the practical php training in sitapur knowledge.So. we make our students work on php training in sitapur live projects.


We provide certificate php training in sitapur for your skill which is a php training in sitapur proof of your knowledge and our certificates are easily acceptable php training in sitapur by all companies.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to make our php training in sitapur students ready for job. And assist our student php training in sitapur lifetime and make them php training in sitapur update to latest market updates.We made some steps php training in sitapur for this like :-


JCS is one of the php training in sitapur best institute in Delhi NCR providing php training in sitapur detailed program in Internet Marketing.

Personal Attention, Flexible php training in sitapur Class Schedule, Live php training in sitapur Training & In Depth php training in sitapur Curriculum makes it a preferred choice over others.

Full Course

Website Development Overview php training in sitapur Let's get a basic idea about Website Development. php training in sitapur This will be an introduction to Web Development php training in sitapur which will give you a basic idea about development of websites. This session will php training in sitapur make your base strong and will make you php training in sitapur able to proceed to the php training in sitapur next level of Website Development.

Basic Website Devlopment After introduction php training in sitapur we'll proceed to the basic of php training in sitapur Website development. In this session we'll learn about the basic coding of website development languages and php training in sitapur will see how websites works. after php training in sitapur this session you'll be able to proceed php training in sitapur to the adveance level of php training in sitapur Website development.

How to start with a website php training in sitapur Before proceeding to the advance level, we need to start with a website. php training in sitapur In this session you'll php training in sitapur get a free website for one year to implement your own practicle strategies php training in sitapur during and after course. In this session php training in sitapur we'll learn to register a domain name and web hosting and php training in sitapur cennecting them.

Website Website Development Languages php training in sitapur Now the time is to proceed with the advance level of website development. In this session we'll learn php training in sitapur about the coding languages like HTML, CSS, JAVA Script, Jquery and Bootstrap. This session will cover the php training in sitapur hard core coding of Website development and will make you a professional php training in sitapur web developer.

Website Development Software After php training in sitapur codin session we'll make our command strong on softwares available for development of a website. php training in sitapur we'll learn about the Adobe Dreamweaver and notepad+. These softwares can help you in minimizing your time in developing a website. php training in sitapur These softwares are very php training in sitapur important for a web developer.

Website Development Overview php training in sitapur After softwares session we'll learn about the SQL ans MySql Databases. We'll learn what a database is and why we need php training in sitapur a databse while developing a php training in sitapur website. We'll learn how to create databases and how to manage them and how to take a backup php training in sitapur of a database from cpanels to php training in sitapur avoid crashes and php training in sitapur website hacks.

Content Management Systems php training in sitapur Our next session will be on CMS (Content Management Systems). In this session we'll learn php training in sitapur about the world's best CMS Wordpress. We'll learn how to install Wordpress CMS on a server php training in sitapur and how to create a website or a blog based on Wordpress.

Downloading and Uploading websites At last now the time is to make our php training in sitapur website live so that it can be php training in sitapur accessible from anywhere across the globe. We'll learn how to download php training in sitapur and upload a website using File Zila and php training in sitapur other FTP softwares and online tools php training in sitapur like File Manager.

Module I - Overview of php training in sitapur Website Designing & Development Course

• What a website exactly Is?

• What is HTTP – Hyper Text Transfer Protocols?

• What is FTP – File Transfer Protocols?

• WWW Standards

• What is a Domain?

• What is Website Hosting?

• How website works?

• What is a php training in sitapur static website?

• What is a dynamic website?

• What are portals?

• What are search engines?

• What are Web directories?

• What is a blog?

Module II - In-depth Overview of php training in sitapur Domain Names and Web Hosting

• Introduction to Web Hosting

• Purchasing Domain Names

• Purchasing Web Hosting

• Difference between Shared, VPS & Dedicated Servers

• Connecting Domain & Hosting

• FTP Users & Using File Zila.

• Domain Control Panels

• Web Hosting Control Panels

Starting With Website Designing Course

Module III - Getting Started with HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language

• What is HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language?

• HTML Codes & Tags Overview

• Creating HTML files?

• Using Paragraph Tags?

• Using heading Tags?

• Using IMAGES in Web Pages?

• Creating Hyper Text?

• Creating Tables in HTML?

• What is marquee and how to use it?

• How to create blinking text?

• Using HR tags in HTML?

• Using Colspan & Rowspan in html?

• How to create list in html?

• Creating backgrounds in html file?

• Creating forms in HTML?

• Other Knowledge Resources?

Module IV - Getting Started with CSS – Cascade Styling Sheets

• Cascading Style Sheets Overview

• Types of CSS Style Sheets

• Use of Class Selector

• Use of ID Selector

• Using DIVS for creating a web page?

• How create menu in CSS?

• How to create dropdown menus in CSS?

• Using different fonts in CSS?

• Using alignments in CSS?

• What is padding and margin in CSS?

• What is floating in CSS?

• Creating lists in CSS

• How to create beautiful webpage in CSS?

• Other Knowledge Resource?

Starting With Website Development & PHP Course

Module V - PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

• What PHP Exactly Is?

• How does PHP Works?

• Creating PHP File?

• Basic PHP Syntaxes

• Using PHP Statements and Whitespaces

• How to Use Comments in PHP?

• What Are the PHP Functions?

• Different Data Types in PHP

• What are the Variables in PHP?

• What are the Constants in PHP?

• Make Use of PHP Operators?

• Creating Dynamic Pages Using PHP Codes

• Difference between Single Quotes &. Double Quotes

• Using If and else Conditions in PHP?

• What are the Loops in PHP?

• Explaining Loops?

• What are the Arrays in PHP?

• Including Files?

• Creating registration processes in php?

• Creating login processes in PHP?

• Getting data through forms via emails?

• Creating subscription methods in PHP?

• Using URL rewriting techniques

• Creating select query in PHP?

• Creating insert query in php?

• Displaying data in PHP?

• Creating Search Box in PHP?

• Creating factorization in PHP?

• Displaying images in php?

• Displaying data in loop?

• Running sliders in PHP?

• Creating fully functional Dynamic websites Using PHP?

• How to create payment gateways in Dynamic Websites?

• Other Knowledge Resources?

Module VI - My SQL Data Bases Training Course

• MySql Methods and Properties

• Inserting and Updating Records

• MySql Prepared Statements

• Authentication with PHP and MYSQL

• A Database-less Login Form

• Session Control and Cookies

• Sessions

• Writing to a File

• File Locking

• Directory Functions

• Getting a Directory Listing

• Creating a Dreamweaver site

• Site creation - basic

• Site creation – advanced

• Uploading Files via an HTML Form

• Getting File Information

• More File Functions

• Database connections • Session Functions

• Cookies

• JavaScript language fundamentals

• mail

• PHP Mailer

• File System Management

• Reading from a File

Getting Start Working with CMS – Content Management systems Training Course

Module VII - Opencart CMS – Developing & Managing Ecommerce Websites

• What is Open Cart – An Introduction?

• How to Install Open Cart?

• How to manage an Open Cart Website?

• Installing Themes in Open Cart

• Extending Features of open Cart

• Product Management in Open Cart

• Managing Categories

• Managing Products

• Managing General

• Managing Data

• Managing Links

• Managing Attributes

• Managing Discounts

• What is Special?

• Managing Image

• Managing Options

• Creating Manufacturers or Brands

• Downloads Management

• Reviews Management

• Creating Information Pages About Us, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions

• How to Insert new pages in the Information box

• Managing Extensions

• Creating reports in Opencart?

• Localization Management

• Implementing Payment methods in opencart?

• Knowledge Resources?

Module VIII - WordPress CMS – Developing & Managing Dynamic Websites

• What is WordPress - An Introduction?

• How to Install WordPress?

• Introduction of WordPress User Interface

• Understanding the WordPress Dashboard

• Managing and Creating WP Pages

• Managing Tags

• Managing Media

• Finding and Using WordPress Plugins

• Upgrading and Extending with WordPress Plugins

• Working with WordPress Themes & Templates

• Understanding the Structures of WordPress Themes

• Installing, Configuring and Customizing Themes

• Difference between Posts & Pages

• Organizing Posts with Categories

• Make use of WP Tags

• Creating and Managing Navigations and Menus

• Knowledge Resources?

Module IX - Start Working with Live websites

• What is an Offline Website?

• What is an Online Website?

• How to Download a Website using File Zila?

• How to Upload a Website using File Zila?

• What is FTP - (File Transfer Protocols)

• What is Host Name in FileZila?

• How to Use FTP User Name and Password in FileZila?

Module X - Earning Money with Website Designing & Development Training Course

• How you can earn after website designing and development course?

• How to make use of freelancing websites?

• Promoting your services through Social Media, Bookmarking, Web Directories and Classifieds.

• How to Start with a job in web designing & development?

• How you can make money with blogging?

Effective PHP Training Creates
If you are thinking of expanding your career opportunities in the long run in Website Development or in PHP Web Development, then you can go for the PHP Course Training which we're providing in Delhi. It increases your knowledge about PHP & different database functional php training in sitapur specifications uses by PHP. Through PHP training, you can easily learn how PHP supports superior connection to MySQL in PHP Course Training. You can even become familiar with the process of php training in sitapur installing PHP with a PHP Training course. However, you need an appropriate web server configuration to learn PHP. If you are planning to use UNIX or Linux operating system, then download the PHP source code properly which will help you to integrate it in a php training in sitapur well manner. There are a lot of things to learn in PHP Training Course. Some of those things have php training in sitapur been discussed below: You can also join our PHP Training course in Delhi to learn more about PHP and php training in sitapur Website Development.

• Method I : Encrypting Procedure in PHP Training Course

During PHP training Course, a PHP or Web Development trainee is taught the procedure of encrypting the data php training in sitapur Using PHP and MySQL. With the help of PHP Training course we can learn to develop a Dynamic Website. php training in sitapur It is important to ensure the security of your website While developing a site in PHP. It is tophp training in sitapur provide the safety based functionality in PHP Websites. After learning PHP , you can easily encrypt whatever data you want. Though it is the most difficult part in the PHP training, but with constant practice at our PHP Institute in delhi, one can php training in sitapur easily get hold on PHP Course because We'll provide you PHP Training Course on Live PHP Projects

• Safeguard the PHP Source - Learn in PHP Course Which is The Most Important Part of PHP Training Course

First of all, In our PHP Training Course You'll Learn to get the source for PHP. Once you get it, the first step is over. Nextstep is to safeguard that PHP code. During entire PHP training Course, you are taught how to keep this PHP source private. The application of PHP is quite easy to disperse and handle. You will basically learn how to execute all these tasks successfully in our PHP Course Institute. It will help you provide the best of coding protection in PHP. You can join our PHP Course in Delhi to Learn more.

• Continue with Learning PHP Data Protection

The last thing which you'll learn in our PHP Course Institute is to provide protection to your intellectual data, the most suitable way of this is the use of Zend Encoder which is one of the best Encoders for PHP and Source Guardian. It is a safety product, so you don't php training in sitapur need software along with it to use it for a PHP Website. But be careful while installing the Zend Optimizer during the php training in sitapur procedure as it may also make some major changes in your Windows. You can learn it in our php training in sitapur PHP Training Course Institute in Delhi. In the above mentioned PHP training phase, you will get to know about the PHP Course sessions in details. It would help you safeguard the data in single variable while using PHP Websites. If you follow the right tips and right time while developing a PHP Website, you will be able to make most out of the sessions available. It was all you need to know to enhance your career prospects in PHP and Website Development. It helps you avoid any confusionlater on regarding the career options in PHP and Web development.

Now you may ask what the benefits of taking training for PHP are. So, the basic advantage of PHP Training course is that it provides a lot of credentials to your resume and you may easily get a betterjob in the web development industry. The situation of country in providing jobs is not good enough because the opportunities are limited and competition is high in almost every industry. That's why, with PHP training, one can easily produce good results of developing a dynamic website. There are several other benefits of going for the PHP Training. Before that, you must understand what your requirements are to reap maximum benefits from PHP training. It would definitely generate better results for you in the field of Web Development and PHP.

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